Hello, World!

I'm Enes Ozdemir

Unity Developer Game Developer

More About Me

About Me

Profile Picture

I am a Unity developer who develops games, tools, and plugins in C#

I have experience using Unity and C# for game development, plugin development and tool development.

I have published several games on the Play Store and itch.io. I am continually developing new projects on my GitHub account

I am also skilled in Kotlin and Java for Android development, and have developed several Ads SDKs and mobile apps.

Work Experience

Unity Tool Developer

April 2023 - *

Homa Games

Working as a Unity Tool Developer.

Unity Developer

Sep 2022 - Nov 2022

Gulliver's Games

Worked on gameplay and tools programming.

Created tools for game designers to improve their workflow, testing process and build scripting. Used libraries like Dotween, UniTask, Vcontainer(DI), MessagePipe, Odin Inspector

Unity Developer

Sep 2020 - Sep 2022


Developed Unity SDKs, Ads SDKs, and plugins for HMS Services.

Developed Internal/External Unity projects/Applications.

Supported Huawei Unity SDKs/Ads SDKs in Europe.

Software Engineer (PT)

Sep 2019 - Jul 2020

Turkish Airlines

Worked on various Turkish Airlines applications on Android.

Engineer Intern (Internship)

Jul 2019 - Sep 2019


Worked on C# and ASP.NET

Developed a help page web tool with ASP.NET

International Office Assistant (PT)

Mar 2017 - May 2019

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Worked with Excel, Photoshop

Worked on English - Turkish translations.

Managed social media accounts and produced content (Interviews - Editing - Designing banners etc.)

Work Experience

Bachelor Degree


Istanbul Sabatttin Zaim University

Computer Engineering GPA:3.14


Where to find me

Istanbul, TURKEY

Email Me At
